«Feed the monsters. English for kids» is the mobile application for teaching English in a game form. It is also helping the child to know new words.
There is one of the amusing monsters who wants to eat and he needs to be fed. The offscreen voice says in English what the monster of the game wants to eat. The child must find this product (vegetable, fruit or something other) and feed the monster. If there is something incorrect, the child will get the information which helps him or her. The child can chose the monster, which he or she likes. The first levels have visual clues. Then the level get harder.
The teaching of foreign or native languages is in natural way. There are different pictures, actions wich is followed by the corresponding speech. People learn the native language in this way: parents talk to each other and the child observes, and remembers words and phrases, and when we need to use them. The game form helps the child to concentrate as much as possible on the mobile application and enhances memorable effect. Playing «English for kids! Feed the monsters» your child will know how to pronounce English words (e.g. vegetables, fruits, berries etc.) and learn the phrases «My name is ...» and «he wants ...»
Children have an excellent memory and they like to repeat everything, maybe after several lessons you will hear the first English words from your child.
Tips are available to users in the following languages:
For correct operation of the game based on Android platform, it is necessary that your device was installed Google speech synthesizer (Google TTS). If this component is absence in the operating system Android — download and install it.
Gender: male
Character: mysterious
Jubah is the mysterious monster. He is not inclined to hard work, there all things are easy for him. He likes to speak in riddles, laconic, unhurried. He is independent and impregnable, but it is necessary to win this confidence and you will know that he is a very kind and gentle monster. He is very loyal.